Engine Harness and FADEC
Engine Harness and FADEC
HarcoSemco’s engine harnesses withstand the grueling environment of an engine in operation. HarcoSemco has designed and qualified harnesses that are resilient to intense levels of vibration and exposure to potentially harmful fluids. Critical to on-engine applications, HarcoSemco has identified and refined the combination of materials and processes to offer maximum resilience to high temperatures.

- Accessory
- Control / Monitor
- Thermocouple Lead
- Temperature resistant materials (Viton)
- Water resistant
- Manufactured in 3D configuration Molded
- Potted back-shellss
- Machine braided
- Fluid Ingress Protected
- Moisture & Chafe Resistant
- Vibration & Heat Tolerant
- High reliability
- Better fit
- Reduced Weight